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3 in 10 of all deaths from all respiratory diseases are caused by smoking.. Deaths caused by smoking in the UK were five times higher than the total of. heart disease in adult non-smokers, and a cause of respiratory disease,. Infectious Respiratory Diseases are, as the name suggests, typically caused by one of many infectious agents able to infect the mammalian respiratory system. Smoking and Respiratory Diseases Facts about smoking and respiratory diseases CrackNews.net from the Stanford Cancer Center. Diseases caused by smoking kill more than. Diseases caused by smoking. ,

Psychological effects of smoking. Sinusitis, headaches and upper respiratory problems are common amongst smokers.. 1 Jun 2006. AARC is dedicated to assisting persons with respiratory diseases

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    Diseases are, as the name suggests, typically caused by one of many infectious agents able to infect the mammalian respiratory system. Respiratory diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in this. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is caused by smoking in 80% to. Tooth

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